2009 Conference Details


Encuentro Latino 2009 Conference on Latinos and Domestic Violence


On November 3rd & 4th, 2009, Encuentro Latino held a national conference on Latinos and domestic violence in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  The conference highlighted current research and promising practices in regards to Latinos and domestic violence.


The conference featured experts on Latinos and domestic violence, including local, national, and international professionals.  Many of the sessions featured Encuentro Latino’s Advisory Board members. See below for some handouts from the conference.


2009 Conference Handouts

Assessing Readiness to Serve Latino Clients
Gloria Terry


Family and Social Support in Domestic Violence
Dr. Martha Roditti, and Dr. Ivan de la Rosa


Engaging and Mobilizing Latino Communities
Benjamin Jacquez


Engaging and Mobilizing Latino Communities
Sandra Ortsman


The Latino Paradox: The Role of Acculturation and Ethnic Identity
Dr. Ernesto Escoto


Rural Community Outreach and Prevention
Alberto Zavala


Serving Deaf Survivors- Philosophy, Best Practices, and Reality
Heidi Notario-Smull and Gretchen Waech


What Does it Mean to be Bilingual Enough? Recommendations for Providing Effective Bilingual Services
Vanessa Berens